
Bus transportation service in Menorca








General information

Here you will find bus transportation service companies in Menorca.

If you need to rent a bus with a driver in Menorca, above we present a selection of local companies and professionals specialized in transfers, excursion buses and all types of services discretionary bus.

Table of Contents

  1. General Information
  2. Bus and minibus transport companies
  3. Transportation services
  4. Buses for private excursions
  5. Wedding transportation service
  6. Airport-hotel transfer
  7. Transfers for groups of hikers

Selection of bus transport companies

Below we present a selection of occasional bus transport companies in Menorca.

Transportation services

Here we show you a selection of the main bus transportation services that you may need when you visit this Balearic island.

Excursion bus for groups in Menorca

Transport service by bus and minibus for organized excursions.

Each transportation service company has rates for a full day, half a day or hours.

Request a quote from the company of your choice and agree directly with them on the conditions of the transportation service for hikers.

Bus transportation service for weddings and events

If you are planning to organize an event in Menorca, one of the most important factors is how to transport guests to the event location.

Why hire local transportation to organize events?

  • It is much cheaper to rent a bus than to rent several cars.
  • If guests drink alcohol, it is more than advisable to have a private transportation service available. In this way they will return to their place of lodging without problems.
  • Local professional drivers know the island’s roads in detail.

Transfer from Mahón airport to hotel

One of the most common transportation services in Menorca are transfers from the island’s airport and the place where visitors stay.

Contact the transportation service company of your choice to request a quote and arrange a pick-up day and time, as well as the destination of the transportation service you need.

Bus transfers for groups of hikers

In recent decades, Menorca has become popular thanks to the spectacular hiking routes that can be done. The Camí de Cavalls is, without a doubt, the best-known path for hikers.

There are no regular bus lines that cover Camí de Cavalls. In summer there is a public bus that goes to the coast, but not during the low season.

For this reason, if you come to Menorca with your group to go hiking, the only alternative is to hire the transport services of a local company.

Click here to get in touch with one of these bus transportation service providers and explain to the company the characteristics of the service you offer. you need.